Comfort Point, Campbell Island, Orchard Lake. In book, Picturesque Detroit.

Object ID: 1980-001-070

Subjects: , , , ,

Comfort Point, Campbell Island, Orchard Lake. In book, Picturesque Detroit.

Evelyn Noble, Grandmother Campbell, Aunt Annie Linn, and Miss O’Mara

Object ID: 1980-001-068

Collection: , ,
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Evelyn Noble, Grandmother Campbell, Aunt Annie Linn, and Miss O’Mara on Apple Island. Bench from Jefferson Ave. Presbyterian Church. Under old sentinel Basswood tree.

Campbell house on Apple Island (faced North).

Object ID: 1980-001-067

Collection: , , ,
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The Old House was a rambling, red-roofed, clapboard-sided, one-story structure. The windows were double-sash, six panes to the sash. There was a porch, the ceiling of which was supported by two wooden pillars. It was wide enough to accommodate fairly large, comfortable chairs. There was a central door and on the other side were windows. The porch floor was low, about a step above the path. The central doorway opened to a long, wide, low-ceilinged hallway which ended in a doorway leading into the dining room. This doorway, too, was halfway down the similar hallway which ran across the hall.