John Ellenwood

Object ID: 2012-011-010

Date: 1848


John Ellenwood – Surveyor and first postmaster who is said to have mapped out first roads and acted as school commissioner and WB township supervisor was buried in 1848. OC – 114


Object ID: 2012-011-009

Date: 1931


Ellenwood, The first burial at Pine Lake was Eban Ellenwood in Feb. 7, 1831. He is thought to be a relative of John Ellenwood, who had a large family and many visitors over the years at their home. OS

Harold Haskins

Object ID: 2012-011-008

Date: 1972


Harold Haskins – Claude Whitmer and Bob Callow maintained the cemetery for many years. In 1972, Harold Haskins and his wife Reine took over its care with the assistance of Mari Bem, now president of the cemetery’s association. Harold Haskins reconstructed the records of the cemetery after a fire destroyed in the fire of the home of then-secretary, Ms. Elmer Gott. It was a three year project.