Oliver Farm

Object ID: 2002-001-917


Oliver Farm – We have twelve little lams now and is a little to cold for them. We had one get chilled so I brought him in the house, put him in some warm water for a while, then rubed him off good and dry. Grandma got the old whiskey jug out and gave him some warm milk and a table spoon of whiskey. We all tell her she is starting this young man out the wrong way, but now the little lam is growing good and looks just fine. Excerpt from a letter to Tommey Lawton from Wlater Oliver, March, 1940.

Cyril Oliver homestead located on Greer Road – East of Hiller (1976).

Object ID: 2002-001-916


Cyril Oliver homestead located on Greer Road – East of Hiller (1976).

Cyril Oliver homestead (1875)

Object ID: 2002-001-915


Cyril Oliver homestead (1875) – Boy we sure have been bissey this winter with all our chores and wood to cut. Write now we have got 54 head of cattle 21 sheep 5 horses 180 chickens. By the time one of us get the morning chores done it is time to start the night chores. We have got a nice big wood pile cut to keep us warm another winter. Excerpt from a letter to Tommey Lawton from Walter Oliver, March, 1940. Spelling and grammar left intact.