Ward – Summers House – Stairway from 3rd Floor to Tower

Object ID: 2002-002-049


Ward – Summers House – Stairway from 3rd Floor to Tower. Behind camera, two furnished rooms, a bedroom and the six-sided sitting under the Tower. Beyond the door, four bedrooms for overflow at holidays for relatives or servants. These were not nicely furnished. They surrounded a large water storage tank, I think lake water, used for washing. Drinking water used separate pipes from a well. These extra rooms were above two large nice servants rooms and bath on second floor. Back stairway went from kitchen to third floor.

Ward – Summers House

Object ID: 2002-002-048


Ward – Summers House. Larger of two-room suite west of center hall (above drawing room) Bed and rocking chair is the Summers’ first furniture after marriage in 1917.

Ward – Summers House (1892-1970 changed hands in 1936)

Object ID: 2002-002-038


Ward – Summers House (1892-1970 changed hands in 1936) showing the cupola