MMA – Full Dress Parade 1900

Object ID: 2002-001-170

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Full Dress Parade at the Michigan Military Academy in the Year, 1900. In his autobiography, Winford R. Hamlin remembers the MMA dress parades – Every Sunday in the summer they had a dress parade. They were all in their white uniforms. They had a large brass band and went through all their drills, including the horse cavalry. Then they had their gun salute. Then at the end of the day shot off one of the big cannons. People came from all over to see the dress parade. The D.U.R. street car company always ran special cars for that day. They had a circle track built at the parade grounds, so they could turn around there. They would wait there until the parade was over and take the people back home.

Second Bridge Over Canal

Object ID: 2002-001-100

Date: 1920-1930

Collection: , ,
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In the background is a bridge over the canal from Cass Lake to Dollar Lake. This is the second bridge over the canal from Dollar Lake to Cass Lake – built before 1926 – Ann Crawford

First Bridge Over Canal

Object ID: 2002-001-099

Date: 1920-1930

Collection: , ,
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Canoe traveling under bridge on canal connecting Cass Lake to Dollar Lake. This is the first bridge over the canal from Dollar Lake to Cass Lake. I remember walking over it in 1923 – Ann Crawford