Cyril Oliver homestead (1875) – Boy we sure have been bissey this winter with all our chores and wood to cut. Write now we have got 54 head of cattle 21 sheep 5 horses 180 chickens. By the time one of us get the morning chores done it is time to start the night chores. We have got a nice big wood pile cut to keep us warm another winter. Excerpt from a letter to Tommey Lawton from Walter Oliver, March, 1940. Spelling and grammar left intact.
Ward’s point – Margaret North

Object ID: 2002-001-914
People: North, Margaret
Collection: WardSubjects: Photo
Ward’s point – Margaret North
The Homestead A.D. Noble property before it was torn down in 1951

Object ID: 2002-001-913
Collection: BiographySubjects: Photo
The Homestead A.D. Noble property before it was torn down in 1951 by Aryle Noble prior to building the present home (built in 1951) – on Old Orchard Trail.