Harger Tea Set image

Object ID: 2013-001-008

Date: 2011


Harger Tea Set image. Set owned by Marjorie Newell

Green School Memory Tablecloth

Object ID: 2013-001-007

Date: 2011


Green School Memory Tablecloth at Annual Meeting A tablecloth that was a fundraiser for Green Elementary School in West Bloomfield some 60 years ago was displayed and described at the Annual Meeting by Board member Helen Jane Peters. According to Mrs. Peters, in the 1950s families living in the Green School area were each given a handkerchief-sized square of fabric and asked to sign their names, which were then embroidered with green embroidery floss. The squares Ð with about 316 names Ð were joined together with crochet work making a tablecloth about 54 inches by 98 inches with 66 squares. Funds for the maintenance of Green School were raised by raffling off the tablecloth. Mrs. Jean B. Clark, who won the raffle, donated the tablecloth to the GWBHS on March 24, 1995.

Helen Jane Peters

Object ID: 2013-001-006

Date: 2011


Board member Helen Jane Peters received the society’s highest honor, the GWBHS Distinguished Service Award, “in appreciation for many years of collecting, preserving and sharing the history of Sylvan Lake.” Mrs. Peters is the City of Sylvan Lake historian as well as GWBHS historian and membership chair.