Chief Pontiac Indian Bust

Object ID: 2013-020-009

Date: 1760


Ceramic bust of Native American Chief Pontiac donated February 2013 by James Bowers which now resides in the museum.

Mr. Don Ostrander

Object ID: 2013-001-034

Date: 1985-1991


Children were bussed from around Pontiac during this time.  I’m sorry to say that from 1985 – 91 there was little connection between the school and the Sylvan community. As for the “Mary and Her Lamb” mural, “never give up”.

Mr. Jack Colbert

Object ID: 2013-001-033

Date: 1980-1985


1980 – 1985 Whitfield School Principal Mr. Colbert taught 6th grade at Whitfield in the 1960’s. You had to practically fight to get to teach at Whitfield. It was a wonderful place to work. As Principal, Mr. Colbert remembers the weekly assemblies with students and the dedicated staff.  He had a great office staff: Marie Ciavarella, June Leonard, and Joanne Hubbard. Whitfield had the best student body in Pontiac. The parents were very involved in the school.