“Regarding Camp Tinega, Protestant Children’s Home: My father was orchard manager of Walnut Glen Fruit Farms, which was on the corner of Middlebelt and Lone Pine, SW. The end of the “”new orchard”” on the west was bordered by The Protestant Children’s Home. The boys often climbed the fence to enjoy “”Egg Lake”” (now Bloomfield, I think). One child drowned there, one child left a partially carved out wooden boat, which I still have, we never saw the children, they came cautiously and of course without the knowledge of the staff at the camp. After school started a couple of the boys would hike to the corner of Middlebelt and Lone Pine and ride with Dad and me to Pine Lake School, time frame from 1939 to the early forties. One was Norman Krushka (spelling?). The two of them were very subdued young teens, one could feel their emotional state, even if one was younger than they were. Leona Mason Heitsch”
Camp Tinega – Leona Mason Heitsch
Object ID: 2013-030-006
Collection: West BloomfieldSubjects: Correspondence
Max Klein Painter inventor
Object ID: 2013-020-007
Date: 1950
Collection: West BloomfieldSubjects: Biography
Max Klein was the man who invented (or co-invented) paint-by-numbers, the fad that swept the nation in the early 1950s. In 1956 he sold his interest in the painting business (Craft Master brand) and began a successful career in plastics. Later in life, Max resided in West Bloomfield until his death on 20 May 1993. I am writing a brief biographical sketch of Max and would like to know if you have in your holdings any information relating to him?
Thanking you in advance for the favor of your reply, I am,
Le Roy G. Barnett PhD
Contributing Editor
Historical Society of Michigan
Chief Pontiac Indian Bust

Object ID: 2013-020-009
Date: 1760
Collection: West BloomfieldSubjects: Biography
Ceramic bust of Native American Chief Pontiac donated February 2013 by James Bowers which now resides in the museum.