Roosevelt school Postcard
Roosevelt school Postcard

Object ID: 2008-001-004
Date: 5/7/1954
People: Shipp, Glenn
Collection: SchoolsSubjects: photographic
Whitfield school 1947

Object ID: 2005-002-011
Date: 1947
People: Morrill, Dale
Collection: SchoolsSubjects: photographic
Daniel Whitfield school photo-1947. My brother Dale is the first boy in the back row.
Roosevelt school, 1st Grade, 1927, Keego Harbor

Object ID: 2003-006-001
People: Crawford, Ann
Collection: SchoolsSubjects: Photo
Roosevelt school, 1st Grade, 1927, Keego Harbor. Back Row – L to R: Ruth Berry, Juanita Hill, Marian Londergan, —-? —-, Bonnie Harding, Marjorie Whitbeck, Betty Londergan, —-?—-, Anna Mae Tucker, Margaret Ottmar, Teacher, Miss Heslip. Middle – L to R —-?—-, —-?—-, Gordon Hyatt, Clinton Miller, Johnny Thibideau, James Hanes, Bud Mason, Glen Sawyer, —-?—-, Donna Ohngren. Front Row L to R Fred Pace, —-?—-, Earl Pace