Pine Lake school – The attached photo of Pine Lake is my only photo, maybe they didn’t take any more school pictures. It was 1939-40, my first year there, I can date that because that is when we moved to Middlebelt from the W. Maple of my grandfather. Also Tom Roberts is in the picture, and he only attended one year. We got to ride to school in Dad’s 37 plymouth, or Tom’s Mom’s ragtop Cadillac, which had a RADIO. And she smelled of expensive perfume, something farm kids weren’t accustomed to. I hope the attachment opens, we aren’t too good at this. The kids, left to right, rear row first James Taylor, Joe Allen _________, Gordon Schultze, Betty Bentley, Margaret Allen, Vic Bentley, Shirley Schultze, Phyllis Bentley, Marie Frolund (blonde, just in front of G. Schultze, Sally Quinn, Dick Miller, Charlotte Bentley, Nancy Dixon (with cross) Leona Mason, Herb Dixon, Mrs. Mayer The two boys after Nancy, just to the right of the Bentley boys…???. perhaps Robert Morris and _____ we had a few kids who stayed with us only a year or so Frank Allen, Tom Roberts, Harry Quinn, Lawrence Bentley, Jimmy Bentley. The ________may be one of the boys from he Protestant Children’s home on Lone Pine, one of them was Norman Krushka, they were kids from Detroit…rode to school with me in Dad’s car, but were older, and I have forgotten the names most of them. One of the kids from that home drowned in Egg Lake, on our farm, before we moved there, Egg Lake is renamed now, it was on the S. side of Lone Pine Rd. On the north side was a ridge where Dad told me the Detroit Urban RR once ran a line. from Orchard Lake to Middlebelt. The Bentley kids were great. Vic saw to it that everybody behaved, didn’t let any bad stuff happen on the playground. We had a girl scout troop and I remember Phyllis saying to Nancy and I that SHE didn’t have time to work for all those merit badges, there were l3 kids in the family…they lived in a big houss across Long Lake Rd. from the school. Dorlyn Wilkins was younger, I remember when she came to school for the first time, and I do remember when Dorwin was born, because she told us about it.
Pine Lake school class photo

Object ID: 2002-003-001
Date: 1939-1940
People: Mason, Leona
Collection: Pine Lake, SchoolsSubjects: Photo
Pine Lake Cemetery

Object ID: 2002-002-210
Collection: Cemeteries, Pine LakeSubjects: Photo
Historic Pine Lake Cemetery N.E. corner of Middlebelt and Lone Pine Roads. The mother of Colonel Charles Lindberg is buried here (1976).
Shorty Hook’s boat Livery on Pine Lake (August 1975)

Object ID: 2002-002-157
Collection: Businesses, Pine LakeSubjects: photographic, print
Shorty Hook’s boat Livery on Pine Lake. Located on Orchard Lake Road (August 1975).