Carl Cuban’s headstone

Object ID: 2012-011-026


Nearby, see engineer Carl Cuban’s headstone, cast in the shape of a book.

Van Arnem plot

Object ID: 2012-011-025

Date: 2001


Van Arnem plot. Note this family’s tall obelisk memorial marker in Section H-O. Daughter Heidi Van Arnem died in 2001 at age 35. She was a quadriplegic since age 16 from a gunshot wound which severed her spinal column. She was the founder andCEO of iCan, an online community that “provides information and services to 54 million people living with disabilities in the US.” She also served as commissioner for disability concerns for the state of Michigan.

Kyle family plot – Father David

Object ID: 2012-011-024


Kyle family plot – Father David was the founder of the cemetery’s Association. Section C.