Among the prominent relatives of the Campbell Clan was the Harvey Family. Here is their cottage on Apple Island a few hundred feet northwest of Smoke-Tree Inn. One of the Harvey children and grandaughter of Colin Campbell, Mrs. Neil Bentley, still maintains a summer residence on the shores of Orchard Lake.
The Harvey Cottage on Apple Island.

Object ID: 1980-001-098
Collection: Apple Island, Biography, Orchard LakeSubjects: house, MMA, photographic, print
John Hamlin at boat livery on Orchard Lake (1918).

Object ID: 1980-001-097
Date: 1918
People: Hamlin, John
Collection: Apple Island, Biography, Hamlin, Orchard LakeSubjects: house, photographic, print
John Hamlin at boat livery on Orchard Lake (1918). In Winfred Hamlin writes in his autobiography, There were no jobs to be had. There was a big depression. I worked for my father. He was now running a boat Livery at Orchard Lake. That was just summer work.
Miner Griggs’ sailboat, Jessie on Orchard Lake

Object ID: 1980-001-096
Date: 1903
Collection: Apple Island, Biography, Orchard Lake, RoadsSubjects: house, photographic, print
Mr. Stoddard started the ball rolling for different types of boats. He put the Zenda, a sloop-either a Star-class centerboard boat, or one like it. The large mainsail high up caught the breezes coming over the hills and trees. Tommy Drouillard was skipper. In contrast, Miner Gregg’s sailing canoes, brought in from the Detroit River, were completely outclassed. How the other boats appeared on the lake, I am not sure. From Campbell Harvery Manuscript